Second Mile | HubSpot RevOps Agency Blog

Create A Landing Page That Converts [3 Easy Steps] | Second Mile

Written by Hannah Collins | Sep 23, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Creating a landing page that converts is tough business. But, by creating a page and an offer in line with your audience, you exponentially increase your chances of securing conversions! Less website clutter and distracting pop-ups means more relevant content that converts. 

Check out our top 3 tips for building a landing page that converts. 

1. Target Your Audience 

To increase conversions, you need to target your ideal audience. Use your buyer personas to develop copy and creative that helps visitors identify with your brand. For example, if you are targeting a younger audience, show this through pictures of younger people on your page or use copy that speaks directly to their pain points. Similarly, video marketing is an efficient way to connect with your target audience. Video can give visitors a deeper look into your work and who you are. Use media to develop a more personal connection! 

Use tools like Vidyard, Wave, or Canva to create media that speaks to your audience or check out our blog on utilizing content creation tools.


2. Be Clear and Concise

Landing pages are used to drive conversions because they avoid the use of competing clicks or links. Thus, every word counts. Keep your copy clear and concise. Eliminate distractions by keeping the design simple, using complementary colors and negative space appropriately. Eliminate any outbound links. The only place the visitor should be able to click is the call to action button. Make it an eye-catching color. 

To further simplify any barriers to conversion, limit the number of fields on your form. By asking for the least amount of information as possible, you increase your chances of conversion! Keep your landing page simple and make the value of your offer the key component. Creating a landing page that converts = more business. To learn more about how inbound marketing can grow your business, check out our blog post on inbound marketing


3. Offer Value 

The best way to optimize your landing page is to offer a unique and valuable offer. You want to compel visitors on your page to share their information. Speak directly to your audience and their needs. Demonstrate the benefits of your offer to help them reach their goals. Explore this example of a landing page that keeps the focus on the value of the offer for the prospect. 

Additionally, create a thank you page to redirect visitors to after filling out the form. Not only does this give you another chance to thank individuals, but it also gives you the opportunity to point viewers to additional resources to move them further down the funnel. Consider a lead nurture sequence with follow up information to continue providing your prospects with helpful content. Using a CRM and marketing automation tools like HubSpot allows you to track your conversions, store their information, and follow up in a personalized yet automated way.